Boundaries, Assertiveness and Sensorimotor Therapy – Part B

Following on from my last blog post Part A, I would like to talk briefly of the importance of boundaries and Sensorimotor therapy.  


Sensorimotor Psychotherapy is the work of Pat Ogden. This approach entails working with the body and drawing awareness to physical boundaries and space, as well as body language and expression including but not exclusively posture and gesture. 

Physical boundaries are closely connected with psychological boundaries as the mind is embodied. Boundaries are about where I end and you begin. Lack of psychological boundaries are often the issue causing codependency.

The Christian faith is embodied. We have the Holy Spirit within.

"I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may know you have sent me." John 17.20-21. 

These versus Jesus is talk about Christian unity being in Christ and having Christ in us through the Holy Spirit.

All Bible quotations are from the NIV.
Susie Scott Kydd. Copyright 2024