Trauma, Anxiety and OCD – Part B


Following on from part A I would like to explain a little about somatic techniques and Somatic Experiencing.

Somatic Experiencing is the work of Peter Levine. 

This involves feeling into the body, as this where trauma is also located. Trauma memories are held not only in the hippocampus in the limbic system in the brain, but also physically in the body. 

Remembering the physical feelings associated with the trauma, is effective in enabling the trauma to be released.
This is done by gently recalling the memories, with titration and pendulation to prevent flooding or retraumatisation. 

Here somatic bilateral bottom up techniques enable management of stress levels, enabling effective affect regulation as the trauma is being recalled. 

Traumatic experiences are frequent occurrences because we not only are fallen but also live in a fallen world. 

But Jesus says:

“In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart! I have overcome the world " John 16. 33b

All Bible quotations are from the NIV.
Susie Scott Kydd. Copyright 2024